let's revue-what's new Saturday?
I had my MRI on my left shoulder yesterday. Not looking forward to the results. Will get them Wednesday afternoon.
This afternoon I have to help Mary make FIVE Spanish Tortillas. Brad asked her to make two for his Sunday School class for breakfast Sunday. So I told her since she is doing that, she can make one for my Sunday School class. She decided to make one for hers too. And of course, we will need one for our house. A lot of potato peeling this afternoon. And egg cracking. All that goes in them is eggs, potatoes, and onions.
Tomorrow is Eryn's birthday get together. No party, Brad's family can't afford it. But Grandma and Grandpa were invited to come over for cake and ice cream.
Next month is Jana's birthday. What a young lady. She is seven years old and decided she wants no birthday presents. Instead, she wants us to make donations to a program that her church group is doing. It is water purification for Vietnam. Her church has a big outreach over there.
Not much else going on here. Later.
morning everyone....well we got snow here....yuck!!!!!! lots of blowing and drifting light snow thursday night into friday morning then it turned to some freezing drizzle then wet snow....can i say i hate winter??? well i do!!! i am sick of it already!!! i hate how this complex cleans the snow here too!!!wading through the deep snow drifts to get in and out of the car just ****** me off....if they can snowblow the walks why can't they do between the cars??????? the snowplower doesn't come back after you moved the car to where they already plowed....its just one hell of a mess out there and i just need to vent about it.... :-(
nothing new with me except work and more work....my body is in such pain from the long hours standing on the cement...44 hours this week and then 37 next week....no day off til wednesday then its ronald mcdonald house for 4 hours....i am one hurting woman right now....sighs the pay check will be nice but it doesn't make me feel any better being in this pain. supposed to get a shot for my back tuesday afternoon but i am scheduled to work all day so have to figure out how i can get away to get the shot and come back to work again. sighs
pat r sorry i missed your birthday so i will say HAPPY BE-LATED BIRTHDAY to you now. :-) glad that you are doing better and hope you continue to get better everyday!!! (((pat)))
ok i am out of here need to get a hot shower and hope that helps me....til i go outside again and get cold...BRRRRRR i hate this weather we are having!!!!
have a good day and keep warm!!! ;-)
Jason, Amy and kids and Christa and girls will be here late morning. I'm looking forward to seeing all of the grandkids. They are going to go to a restaurant to eat lunch because I just don't think I can handle the smell of cooking food just now. My DH has been great about not cooking. He has been eating his main meal at the cafe and will eat an egg or cereal at home.
I threw a load of laundry in the washer this morning. All my things. I've been living in t-shirts and pj bottoms and I am wearing the last of the clean ones now.
Day 4 begins...3 days until "Egg Day". Can't wait to eat that egg!
Today may be a happily busy Saturday.
We went to pick up our Angel Foods order this morning. Does anyone order from Angel Foods? some months they have some great deals and this was one of them. Will be placing one for next month. The church that sponsors it locally needs volunteers and so I wanted to help.
Linda (my stepdaughter) is supposed to come over for her visit with Tomas, our grandson. We found out that Linda is expecting a girl in July. That's kind of cool because we have 4 grandsons and only 1 granddaughter right now. I got a counted cross stitch project to make for the baby.
Not too much else to report yet other than the mundane stuff, LOL.

Well, now that I've poured my heart out to Laureen, I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes. I don't cry often anymore. I did that a lot the first week after I got laid off, but that's pretty much been over. Now, I'm pretty accepting of my lot and have gotten on to the business of whatever lies ahead. That has been filing for unemployment and disability and searching for jobs. But somedays, I do feel overwhelmed by the emptiness and loneliness in my life. I feel I have nothing left to fill the days like I used to. I know I need to find something, and I have ideas, I just don't have the energy right now to do it because I'm depressed ... and the weather has something to do with that and the situation does, too. Some days, I just want to sleep all day.
I guess once baseball starts, I'll have a purpose again. Right now, the Olympics are occupying my nights at least. And keeping Scooter from hissing at Nettie. I thought that had stopped this morning because they ate together quietly, but then he started again while I was at the computer (Nettie came in and was meowing quietly ... she must be feeling better because these are the first meows out of her mouth since she got home ... and then Scooter came in, growled and hissed at her). I have been giving Nettie some transdermal pain meds (you put it inside the ear and rub ... she gets good drugs). But I think she's feeling well enough that I'm going to discontinue it for the day and just give her some at night. Don't want her to be too drugged.
Anyway, not much going on here. I'm going to do laundry today because tomorrow I'm going to a "Row 3" gathering ... this is the group of people I worked with at the Press who all sat in the same row together ... only one is still working there (Kim). The rest took buyouts or got laid off (me). We're going to drink beer, eat pulled pork and play Scrabble. It'll be good to get out and see everyone ... even Dixon (we call him the Skipper because he has a sailboat and we hardly hear from him).
Well, have a good day.
I've been reading your posts today and it occurs to me that I should feel lucky that I don't have the work problems and insecurities many of you have, which I know would be nerve-racking for me 'cause I'm a born worrier. Pehaps this is the first time I've felt lucky to be retired on permanent disability.
My day has not been very good so far either, however, 'cause I can't keep anything down and I've felt so tired I've been sleeping all day. It's probavly the tail-part of that flu last week and I do hope to wake up feeling better tomorrow.
I also got a new pair of shoes at Walmart, Now that is a rarity. They are their earth shoes and Mary Jane style and all leather for 29.00. I was so excited!!!!!
I am on my way to work for a 4 hr shift and have to be back again in the morning at 7am.
It is cold ehre and raining. Probably the aftermath of the Northeast snow storm.
We didnt pick up our new sofa yet as it was raining this morning. Hoping to get it tomorrow.
Carla who is on her way to work!!!!!